Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Mini me...

Too little to be alone,
who will be there to see?
Things like this
shouldn't happen so soon..


Time will tell,
the tension of the wait,
it may be nothing but,
can't wait to see..


Down Under....

A beautiful place,
the subject of a primary school project,
Happy times for some,
but not exactly my cup of tea ....


Sunday, November 4, 2007

"Something is in the Air"

Okay folks, remember my prior post on Merrill Lynch's huge loss - well it looks like it must be in fashion because Citigroup seems to be following the same trend. Charles Prince - Citigroup CEO, will be nicely skipping down the same path as Stan O'Neal after they just both jumped off the cliff and landed safely with their golden parachutes...

Any ideas who might be next??



Friday, November 2, 2007


How lucky we are
to know so many,
so dear,
so real and so true.

We just spent a great evening with some wonderful and dear friends - I feel blessed to have them in our life. In todays life of quick and impersonal interactions it is food for the soul to be able to connect and nurture those bonds. Take time to smell the roses...