Wednesday, October 31, 2007

About Time...

It doesn't make sense why a screening mechanism for Autism was not introduced years ago. This is a pediatric problem that didn't develop yesterday and has been growing ever since. I realise some of the objections to having screening for such a difficult condition to diagnose, is the fear of false positives. But rather be over cautious than let time pass and not capitalise on the precious advantage of early detection. It's about time AAP got their act together!


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pirates of the Balance Sheet

I really want to believe that stewards of shareholders investments are always doing what's in the best interest of the investor. How does one make such bad decisions that there can be an $8 billion write down ($2.3 billion net loss) - not million folks - and in one quarter? Unbelievable!

One would have thought after Enron and with the institution of Sarbanes Oxley that there would be checks and balances to limit exposure to such huge losses. Wasn't the head of Risk Management for Merrill offering some advise here - or was dear Stan doing whatever the heck he wanted - absolutely incredulous...


The Dip

I just read Seth Gordin's book "The Dip". I used to enjoy reading his articles in the magazine "Fast Company". What a smart little book - great way to learn how to know when to quit. Take a peek at the book if you get a chance. Are you "in the cul-de-sac" or "the dip"??


Sunday, October 7, 2007

"Black Book"

I watched the "Black Book" last night. Carice Van Houten was spellbinding and enigmatic - what an actress. I certainly want to see more of her films.